Professional Smart Dialler for ILU
This model differs from its competition in almost every aspect. One significant difference is its aesthetic design, which makes it ideally suited to wall or desk mounting in addition to the traditional under phone placement if required. It uses the highly developed with top mounted speaker for maximum quality voice communication.
Programming is made easy by the use of the adjacent normal telephone keypad and comprehensive remote programming is also possible.
The Professional model Smart Dialler has all the attributes of the Blue Phone only less the handset and keypad components.
If you are inquiring on behalf of a retirement village Smart Caller can assist you in obtaining the best price and most appropriate monitoring service for your requirements.
Take a look at the PDF brochure on the Blue Phone and Smart Dallier to familiarise yourself with all the safety back up features the Smart Caller range of personal medical alarms offers. These back up features include “Voice Messaging as a Back Up”, “Call Back Integrity” and 3G pass over in case of Line down situation.
For details on the add on accessory items such as wireless smoke detectors, strobe lights and wrist pendants click on the Accessory Items button.
Plug-pack, handbook, line cord and single pendant Included.